
Showing posts with the label #ride2919

Aujourdhui busy lazy day

I had many preoccupations, one of then is to be in tmr in the North  In November the tropical storms begins rarely in November but it's could. So I have to be upper cairns in begin of November. So is time to hurry up, so in the mind time, despite I buy and manage some work from oversea, the boat is not ready to say in the blue. News sail have been delivered, but I could put it in place, to much win. I will do it tomorrow. Je savais que 10 mois serait trop court pour acheter et mettre a niVeau un bateau, j’ai trouvé plu malin de passer un mois en avance pour l’acheter et le mettre à niveau a distance durant 3 mois. Le calcul s’avère peu efficace, d’abord à moins d’être un expert ou de connaître des personnes de confiance, ne  jamais acheter entre sydney et Pittwater, trop de personnes semblent ne pas être de confiance et ne sont absolument pas sensibles à vos contraintes ou espoir, leur but vendre. So they try to be helpful but they are not really efficient then that results could b

Le programme

Newcastle  Port Stephens Port Stephens Nouvelle-Galles du Sud 2319, Australie   Tuncurry  port Macquarie  Coffs Harbour,+Nouvelle-Galles+du+Sud+2450,+Australie&hl=fr Ville de Coffs Harbour, Nouvelle-Galles du Sud 2450, Australie, Ville en Australie   Yamba nsw,+Nouvelle-Galles+du+Sud+2464,+Australie&hl=fr Yamba, Nouvelle-Galles du Sud 2464, Australie, Ville en Australie  27 septembre et pause,+Nouvelle-Galles+du+Sud+2478,+Australie&hl=fr Ballina, Nouvelle-Galles du Sud 2478, Australie, Ville en AustralieBallina, Nouvelle-Galles du Sud 2478, Australie, Ville en Australie Ballina  29 septembre Tweed River 30  Gold Coast Sea way 1 octobre

700 requins

A voir sur Arte Une alternative à l’achat d’un radeau de sauvetage Over 24h Life Raft


ride2019 -

What is the story

What matter with you?  Pour le fun : When you decide to go to sail arround the Pacific  alone without any specific experience of this Ocean, you look a little bit creasy.  Most of the people dreams on visit Osaka or Paris, so my dream is to go sail on Pacific, go to Cook Islands via New Caledonia, then may be further across Philippines during 10 months.  Make a round trip from Sydney to Sydney but what the road is safe, fun and affordable for my boat and me. First of all, rule number one follow the win and evoid tropical storm.  Rule number two, no bluewater alone over 24 hours. Rule number 3, enjoy see the wales and la grande barrière de corail. For the very beginning, check and try around Newport.. ale a look on Sydney bay,  try to make a little money to finish to fix and upgrade  the Sagacious II.   If you need to help  Ma caisse de bord Sponsoring is also welcome.